
The "SENSAbility" project represents financial and/or other efforts in the form of support for the most disadvantaged or needy in society. This support is in line with our core values and business strategies through various charitable programs and initiatives. We rely on the support of our customers, who can contribute 1 euro to these causes at each check out.
The monthly amount raised by these campaigns will go to various environmental and social non-profit associations and institutions that support the most needy sections of society in the Madeira Islands. The main aim of this measure is to provide everyone with conditions for learning, inclusion, health, etc., in order to help form citizens who are increasingly capable and productive in every sense of the word in the society and environment in which they live.
Alongside social responsibility, we also have responsibility for sustainability. This is a concept whose main concern is environmental issues and the fact that there is a growing awareness of "green" policies. The scarcity of resources is increasingly present in our day and age and deserves our utmost respect. In this way, and through this area of action, we show our respect for the planet and for future generations.